Friday, April 13, 2012

With Deepest Sympathy

I am not a sympathetic person. I'm a bitch, what do you expect?
Nor am I a very empathetic person. If I've gone through something and survived there is no reason someone else wouldn't either.

I'll care when it counts, when a person or an event deserves sympathy. Like, I'm not heartless, (really, I'm not) so I do not like hearing about death or illness or tragedy effecting anyone, especially if those things have effected me at one point, but those types of things are the one and only exception of the lack of fucks I give about other people.
There are two types of people that I actually give a shit about their problems, either my very close friends, (and remember I hate people, so I don't have many friends) or my immediate family.  Meaning my mother, father, and two brothers. (Sometimes I don't even care about their problems but they are the people that I care about the most so I just pretend to care because it's the polite thing to do.)  After that, I'll start thinking about caring about the problems of my extended family, or other people that I consider good enough friends (basically other people I talk to besides my best friends, so that's like 5 more people)

So I only care about the problems of like 15 people in the world, and the rest of you can go fuck yourselves. I don't want to hear you complain about your lives.  Wanna know why? Most of your complaints aren't worth the air you breathed before you spilled them out of your dumb face.

 I'm in college. The complaints here fall into only two categories. Relationships (of any kind) or "All the work I have to do ohmygod and I'm sooooo tired you guys I got like 4 hours or sleep last night because of how much work I needed to get done!"
Talk about subjects I don't give a shit about.

First of all, this is college. Chances are that any sort of romantic relationship that you are in probably starts and ends with fuck buddies, even if you aren't aware of that fact. There are exceptions of course, I don't like to make rash generalizations.  But the people who actually are in normal, functional relationships feel way less need to bitch about their significant others then the people who are just kidding themselves.

How about problems people have with their roommate/best friends/party buddies? We live with each other, everyone is going to have problems when you spend so much time together. That doesn't make you special or unique, when you live, eat, party, and study with someone their gonna piss you off eventually. Even with stupid things, it's a part of life.  After college many of us won't ever see each other again anyway, so it's not even worth it.

Oh, you have a shit-ton of school work to do? Really? Because all I do with my time at college is watch TV, nap, go on the internet and eat.

Oh no, wait, that's you.

The people who bitch the most often and the loudest about "all their work" are the people who don't do any work most of the semester, and freak the fuck out with only 3 weeks left.  And yeah, maybe you did only get like 3 hours of sleep last night, but is that counting the 5 hour nap you took in the afternoon?

Look, I don't want to play the "my life is so much harder then yours" game, but I often work 30 hours a week, (sometimes less, but never less then 20 hours) at 3 (yes 3) different jobs, and I never nap during the week, and in the 2 previous semesters I have had 6 classes.  I go with this simple philosophy, I don't know too many people who work as long or as often as me, so if I don't complain about being tired, you're not allowed to either.
If you were me, or any other hardworking hard studying college student, it would piss you off too, don't fool yourself.
Do you know how much I want to strangle someone when I hear them complain about being tired, when they do not work at all, have only 5 classes, and nap almost every day? Yeah I feel sooooo bad for your hard life. Must be terrible, especially since you go out and get wasted every night.

Many of us wouldn't know real problems if they walked up and slapped their dicks across our faces.

We're in school still, our lives aren't that hard. Get a grip, get a clue, and get the fuck over yourselves. There's plenty of time to be a fucking annoying negative adult when we graduate

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