Friday, June 1, 2012

If I have to hear one more person complain about being "friendzoned"

Okay, I've had about as much as I could possibly take of this.

I imagine right now, that you, my beloved audience, have your heads cocked quizzically to one side. "Why Jenni," (you may be asking) "Just what in this world are you talking about?"

I'll fucking tell you what I'm talking about. Nice Guy Complainers.

No no, not "nice guys". You have me wrong. These ones are in a class all by themselves. They are "Nice Guy Complainers"
You know the type, you know you do.  A guy who, in his eyes, is nice. He's not a woman beater. He's not a drug addict or an alcoholic. He's not a dick. He likes women and (he says) would treat a girl like a princess. He would never make them feel down, he would compliment them and listen to them and love them unconditionally.
This description usually is followed by the guy complaining that "Girls always date douchbags. They always friendzone the guys that really care about them."

Okay, hold one on fucking minute here. I want to tell you a little secret. These guys, the ones who are always fucking complaning about this. On facebook, on twitter, in person. There is a fucking reason why these guys are friendzoned.

Why? Because they're wimps. They are insecure, desperate, clingy wimps.

Not physically, that doesn't have anything to do with this. I mean emotionally. I mean personality wise.

Do NOT misunderstand me on this. I am not generalizing. This is NOT the case for every guy who is friendzoned. Some girls really are stupid whores and date douchbags. I am not referring to those whores. I am not referring to the situations where a nice NORMAL guy really is friendzoned. But the guys that are always moaning their fucking heads off about this? Yeah these guys are normally wimpy clingy and desperate 

I have dated two men that fall into this category.  They were, for all intensive purposes, "nice guys." (at first glance anyway) They both were very much into me.  Which normally would be a good things.  However after the first few dates I began to realize how wimpy they really were. Neither of them EVER made a move on me.  Like, not even a kiss was attempted.  And these guys were REALLY into me (I'm not bragging they really were.) Why would a guy who was really into a girl not even attempt a kiss? 
Then, after only knowing one of the guys a week, he made me a fucking mix CD of love songs.  Cute? Yeah maybe if he had known me more than a week. At the time it was really weird and a turn off.  It was all love songs. I mean, clingy much? It had been a week!  The other guy I dated would awkwardly grab my hand and rub it sometimes, and would awkwardly grab my shoulder and pull me in for a hug. At the WEIRDEST times ever. Yet he never tried a kiss. It was horrible.

Now both these guys were very nice to me. But you know what? Sometimes that's not enough. I'm sorry guys. It's true. Just because you are nice doesn't automatically mean girls will like you.  Don't twist my words and make it seem like I'm another whore who likes guys who are dicks to her.  I just mean, maybe you should try acting like MEN.  The guys were so desperate to please me. A relationship isn't a one way street. It can't be just about one person, either the guy or the girl.  The one guy never had anything to say to me. He was a great listener. He really was. And he responded to me when it was necessary while I was talking. But he never had anything to say. Ever. I didn't know really anything about his friends or family, or much about his hobbies. And we went out a good seven or eight times.  Most of the time these dates were just me chattering away while he just stared at me.  

I'm sorry to say that I can absolutely see why these two guys were friendzoned their whole lives.  Nothing about them was remotely romantically attractive to me.  But I could see them being pretty good friends.

You know guys, she might just friendzone you because she only likes you as a friend. Ever think of that?

Again, this post is not a generalization.  I know there are millions of nice guys out there who are NOT wimps. But there are the same amount of men out there that are. This just refers to them.  
If you think this post is mean, well fuck off. Need I remind you of the name of this blog?