Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Abhorrent Academy

I grew up in a school district that was considered "rich" by the surrounding towns' districts.  There were (and are), admittedly, some very very wealthy people that attended my school.  I was not one of them.  I have no reason to lie to my invisible audience.  If you want maybe I'll post some pictures of my house sometimes on here, if anyone doubts me.  But, if you went to my school district, you were "rich". That's just how it went.  I would say maybe 15% of the people that went there probably had what most of America would consider to be very well off.  50% of the people were middle class, maybe slightly above but still average.  And 35% of the people (myself and several of my very close friends included) were lower class, and wondered how the fuck people could tell us to our faces that we went to the "rich" school.

Maybe all the towns thought we were rich because many of the students, even me I admit sometimes, tried their hardest to appear that they were as wealthy as the top 15%.  It was kind of a vicious cycle.  Everyone bought Northface fleeces, Coach shoes, UGG boots and Vera Bradley bags to try and seem like they had the funds to spare, and then in order to try and fit in more and more people bought these status symbol-type products to appear rich, not knowing that most of the time these products are bought and carried around by students as a facade.  There were only a few kids here and there who bought those items because they could afford them.

I had Coach shoes (they were my only birthday present one year because they cost so much) And I wore the shit out of those shoes.  I wore them everyday until they got holes in the bottoms.  I desperately wanted UGG boots and a Northface, but my mother found out the prices and refused to buy them for me.

People will ask, why? Why did you want to fit in? Everyone wants to fit in in high school, at least in one group. You're lying if you say you didn't.  Am I like this now? No not nearly, although I still enjoy Vera Bradley purses, for my own reasons haha.  As I get older I, as well as many, realize that fitting in isn't nearly as important as being your own person.  But I was a dumb kid in high school, I didn't know any better.  There were so many popular kids in my school, it seemed like they had it all and were so happy.  Everyone wants that, and that's why my high school was so fucked.  Those kids weren't necessarily any happier then I was, but they had beautiful clothes, and shiny cars that mommy and daddy bought them to drive to school.
I would glance at the student parking lot as I descended the bus that was coughing inky smoke into the air, and watch the paint on the cars glitter in the sun. Something would always twist inside me, and I later figured it was mostly jealousy tinged with sadness.

Anyway the point of this post is to let everyone know what my backdrop of life was, and the ambiance of my school.  It was a pretty abhorrent place.  I'll go into more detail about why it may or may not be partly to blame for may hatred of people (especially theater people), and my bitchiness haha.

'Till next time

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I hate everyone

I hate people

If you would have to describe me as either an extrovert or an introvert, I'd say I'd be a Get-The-Fuck-Away-From-Me-vert. I'll be nice and social when the situation calls for it. Group projects, interviews.  Most of everyday life requires some sort of quiet pleasantries exchanged between people for various reasons. I'm fine with that. I cannot live my life as a hermit.  This is where I am only a PART-time bitch.  I can consider myself  nice.  I would not be mean to an innocent human being.  Normal people do not cause me grief, but the world is not filled with normal people that do not interrupt my daily life.  I am a huge bitch to people who do a number of things.  Bother me with stupid questions, wear ridiculous or slutty outfits on days other then Halloween. (And on Halloween too, but I just get slightly less annoyed) Girls who walk around like they think they're hot stuff but are just butterfaces (if you don't know the term look it up, it's quite amusing), guys who walk around like they're hot stuff and are fucking ugly assholes. Theater people, oh how I hate theater people. And if anyone who does theater is reading this, don't condemn me yet. I have real reasons for hating the theater people I've come across in my life. That will be discussed later.

People like to say, "Don't Judge" Okay I get that. I won't, and I don't, judge people for being overweight, (That would make me hypocritical) or doing certain things that I know may be their only options, even if it reflects badly on them. Or anything having to do with their sexual orientation/religion/race/gender. Never.  I try to not even judge a stranger for being rude to me, even if it makes me see red, because they may have had a really really bad day. But YES I WILL judge you if, including but not limited to, you're wearing like, see through tights and a t-shirt.  Or socks with sandals, or if you say something stupid/racist/homophobic in a public setting just to get a laugh. OR if you make fun of someone openly for no reason at all, especially about something they can't change or have no control over.  OR if you happen to be overweight and meet all the above criteria.

Occasionally in my posts I'll mention people as being ugly, or something.  100% of the time I don't hate those people BECAUSE they are ugly. I usually hate them for other things, and the ugly is just a bonus. :D

I am very very blunt.  Mostly to my friends.  But they've have gotten used to it over the years. But I won't start problems for no reason, I'll finish problems though.  And, I can say this with huge confidence.

Everything I will say about someone, whether it be a friend or a foe, is true

I don't make shit up. Ever. I have never lied in my life. If I say it, it's the truth